Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Completed Camera Drawing

 For this piece I chose to use pencil and paper (11x17). As was mentioned in a previous blog post, this piece was intended be mainly a practice for studying freehand perspective and different shading techniques. There was a fair amount of time that was spent drawing and redrawing the lens portion. This is something that will just have to come over time with a decent amount of practice.

 When this piece was critiqued there was not very much constructive criticism. Many believed that the piece was well executed, especially in regard to the shading. Though it was well received by the audience, there are certain aspects, such as parts of the perspective which will have to be improved upon in the future. 

 As noted earlier the main strength of this piece is its shading. One of the primary reasons for this is because it was what the most time was spent on. Once again, improving the perspective would be most easily executed by taking more time to set up the structure of my drawing.

Lily Mae Martin Artist Comparison

 The artist I chose to compare my most recent piece with is, Lily Mae Martin. She  resides and works in Victoria, Australia. The piece of hers I chose is similar in two main ways. First off it is an older camera, an old Kodak Brownie to be specific. The second and most important reason is because she uses similar shading techniques such as crosshatching, and line weight using pencils with different softnesses. All lines in this work appear to be prominent and quite crisp. This causes it to really pop out at the viewer. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

In Process Camera Drawing (Minolta Maxxum 9000)

 This is an in process freehand drawing of an old Minolta camera. I originally started this piece because I needed several observational drawings in order to meet certain college portfolio requirements. As a lot of my artwork shows, I tend to be more abstractly and hands-on focused. I have done observational drawings in the past, but it was awhile back. My main goal for this piece was to use it as a way for me to delve into more observational drawing and different shading techniques as well as improve upon my freehand understanding of perspective.